More storage for student project

Buddy Crushman
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November 11, 2023

My fellow SNHUdents and I are trying to collaborate on a group project. Is there anyway ewe could get more storage for our project? Our professor said we could ask Atlassian for more storage since we were students.

Thank you for your time.

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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 15, 2023

Hi Buddy and welcome to the community!

By storage, do you mean additional storage for your repositories or more collaborators?

Atlassian offers an Academic Bitbucket Cloud Subscription for unlimited users on a certain workspace. The limit for the size of each repo remains at 4 GB (this applies to all billing plans), but with an academic plan you get 5 GB file storage for LFS (this is shared among all repos in the workspace that use Git LFS).

You can use the following form to apply for an academic subscription:

In the field Existing Bitbucket Cloud account name please enter your Bitbucket username, which can be found here:

In the field Existing Bitbucket Cloud Team account name please enter the workspace ID of the workspace that you want the academic plan for. You can see all workspaces your account has access to here: If you then select Manage for a certain workspace you are an admin of, you will see in the new page the workspace ID.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

Kind regards,

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