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Migrate existing Bitbucket instance to Bitbucket Data Center

Calderara Serge July 2, 2019

Dear all,

We have a bitbucket instance running on one Server and we would like to migrate all our current BitBucket environement to Azure Bitbucket Data Center and SQL server as database.

I have browse different docuementation around , some seems quite old and as I am new in this area could you please point me out all different steps to perform in order to succeed that migration path ?

Thanks for your advise and help


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Alexis Robert
Community Leader
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July 2, 2019

Hi @Calderara Serge , 


on this page you will find in the "Before you begin" section exactly what you're looking for: 

Do you already have a production instance of Bitbucket Server running?

You will find all the instructions on how to start you datacenter migration.


Let me know if you have any questions, 



Calderara Serge July 2, 2019

Thanks for your reply,

Our customer already have a Server production instance running on a third party host provider.

Actually my work will be to migrate that production instance into Azure hosting bitbucket Data Center with SQL Server has a back end storage 

The page you mention describe the data center installation but does not explain how to migrate all bitbucket data from an existing prod instance to new datacenter instance ?


Alexis Robert
Community Leader
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July 2, 2019

You would need to first migrate Bitbucket to Azure, and then do the Datacenter migration.

This can be a bit tricky and usually we recommend seeking a Partner help on this.

Calderara Serge July 2, 2019

The setting up of data-center and installation on azure will be done by a specialized partner company in charge of the architecture.

my goal will be to more take care of the migration of bitbucket data and configuration to be sure that bit-bucket data from old server will be imported correctly and accessible in the new environment.

So I am more looking at correct way to do this import of data once all the architecture is setup correctly and if you have details step to follow to guaranty good migration that will help me ...

Thanks for your information


Alexis Robert
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
July 2, 2019

if you only need to move the bitbucket data, then you should look at the Bitbucket migration documentation.

Here you will find all you need to know to move your database data and local server data, and how to do it.


Let me know if you have any questions, 



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