Method/configuration to trigger incremental index scan by activities done on repository

Archanaa Panda September 11, 2012

We would like incremental/post-initial-load indexing to be done on a repository as soon as there is any activity (commit) on the SVN repository. How can this be configured?

- Is it already done by default?

- Is there any configuration (apart from tweaking the thread pools) to be done to aid in triggering the index scanning?

- Is there any scripting to be developed on the SVN repository to trigger an incremental scan on that repository by Fisheye in the event of commits?

- Any tuning options recommended for this?

We have already checked the Fisheye-guides (topic - Configuring Indexes) and found no explicit information as to how we can trigger (non-periodically) the incremental scan on SVN repository activities.

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Daniel R
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 27, 2014

Hello Archanaa Panda,

You can trigger the incremental index on commit to your SCM:



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