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Logging in with ssh

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June 11, 2019

I am a novice with project management tools, but how do I login to my home directory on bit-bucket/Attlassian, from my terminal using the ssh program ? This is without using the web-interface. Presumably once I have logged in I can issue git or hg commands on the command line to manage my projects. Also If I have to host and maintain a web-site associated with my project,  how do I do this, I need a domain-name specifically for the project, and the directory in which to place files for my web-site for my project and so on ?

I do not have a team, but can I create several projects and work on them somewhat simultaneously  ?

If there is documentation for all such basic questions already present, you can direct me to those parts. Totally new to project management, so general pointers to the tools I should familiarize myself with would be helpful.

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Ana Retamal
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 13, 2019

Hi Sundaresh, welcome! 

I presume you're using Bitbucket Cloud, so all my pointers will refer to that tool. If you're using Bitbucket Server, let us know and will make some adjustments.

From the terminal you'll be able to access the repositories that you're hosting on Bitbucket. Once you open the terminal, you'll need to use either Git or Hg commands to access and interact with your repos. You'll need to be somewhat familiar with Git or Hg. To help you with that, I recommend you go through this tutorial that will teach you about Git, how to get started with Bitbucket, how to inspect a repository, etc.

If you'd like to host a static website you can do so following the steps at Publishing a website on Bitbucket Cloud. You can only host one website per account, and they can have several files. Note that there are some limitations for this kind of websites, and pay special attention to the naming convention as if the name is not set correctly, the website will not be found. All that info can be found in the article I linked above.

If you have an individual account instead of a team account, you won't be able to group your repos in projects. You can have as many repositories as you need, though, and you can work on all of them simultaneously. If having your repositories grouped in projects is a requirement for you, you can create a team account instead, the conditions are the same as for an individual account.  

I hope this cover all of your questions, Sundaresh. If something is not clear, let us know and we'll be happy to help.



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