Link Jira and Bitbucket

Yves Tremp April 26, 2021

Hi all

I try to link Bitbucket Server and Jira Server (Link with Confluence and Bamboo worked)

What im doing.

  • I go to Bitbucket Admin Menu and try to link my Jira 
  • Redirect to Jira and there i get an error

Log on Bitbucket:

2021-04-27 08:20:32,811 WARN [AtlassianEvent::thread-6] ytremp @1H6OL6Mx500x36x0 hwz3xf, "GET /rest/applinks/3.0/applicationlinkForm/manifest.json HTTP/1.1" c.a.a.i.c.DefaultRemoteCapabilitiesService Exceptio
n trying to get Applink for manifest with ID 7c7383dc-9980-3de4-a9d8-9f6c19ebc8ad

Log on Jira

2021-04-27 08:20:41,055+0200 https-jsse-nio-8080-exec-694 ERROR ytremp 500x30873x3 dd8627, /rest/applinks/3.0/applicationlinkForm/manifest.json [] ManifestNotFoun
dException thrown while retrieving manifest
at com.atlassian.applinks.core.manifest.AppLinksManifestDownloader.doDownload(
at com.atlassian.applinks.core.manifest.AppLinksManifestDownloader.access$000(


2021-04-27 08:20:41,060+0200 https-jsse-nio-8080-exec-694 ERROR ytremp 500x30873x3 dd8627, /rest/applinks/3.0/applicationlinkForm/manifest.json [] Null manifest r
2021-04-27 08:20:41,057+0200 https-jsse-nio-8080-exec-766 WARN ytremp 500x30872x2 dd8627, /rest/applinks/3.0/status/7cf449e4-de7e-3ee4-87f0-059503fb8262 [c.a.a.i.migration.remote.TryWithCredentials] You do not
have an authorized access token for the remote resource.


After click "Fortfahren" in Jira, it loads endless. I cancel it, and see the following in Jira:


In Bitbucket Status is green:


If I know want to set (on Jira) the connection entry to OAuth, it shows an error, that bitbucket is not reachable.

On Jira I also can click authenicate to see Status (Authentifizieren Sie sich, um den Status zu sehen) and then I get the following error.


I still think the error is on Bitbucket, because all other applications worked (Jira, Confluence and Bamboo).


Many thanks!

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May 9, 2021

Hi @Yves Tremp Can you check Bitbucket server is reachable to Jira server on port 443 and same Jira is reachable from Bitbucket server using telnet command?

From Jira Server :

telnet bitucket-server-ip 443

From Bitbucket :

telnet jira-server-ip 443

For application links to create between atlassian apps application should be reachable on port 443

If they are reachable then check the ssl certs used on both the applications are imported to each others Java keystore.

Please find the below document to check if you running with same issue:

Let me know how it goes.

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