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Limit Branches size name using pre-hooks

Margaria Vince December 6, 2022

Hello, as the title says i'm looking for a way to limit the name of bitbukets branches to 50 characters.  Do you know any way ? i'm trying to do a bash script using Scriptrunner to make this as a pre-hook but i can't manage to make it work.

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Aron Gombas _Midori_
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December 7, 2022

With the Better Commit Policy app, you can implement a rule which matches the branch name against a regular expression. The regex can limit the number of chars to 50 (and do a million of other things).

The left-side example shows a similar use case with branch names:



  1. The app:
  2. The related doc:
  3. You have to use this condition:
  4. Here is a sample regex that requires a text be at least N chars: (you should be able to figure out yours based on this)

(Discl. I'm a developer working on this paid and supported app.)

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