I've already installed these packages and works fine together:
- @commitlint/config-conventional
- @commitlint/config-lerna-scopes
Recently we want to move to Bitbucket and we loved how it's can be useful to work with Jira, then we want to install commitlint-jira. and this is my commitlint.config.js file:
module.exports = {
plugins: ["commitlint-plugin-jira-rules"],
extends: [
And nothing works! I've tried this commit messages, which not works:
- feat(types):MSGS-1234: commit message
- feat(types):[MSGS-1234]: commit message
- [types][MSGS-1234]: Commit message
- MSGS-1234:feat(types): commit message
do you have any advice to config them together better or maybe how to write commit message which it can pass the commitlint?