Issue when installing bitbucket from helm chart

George Preser
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August 9, 2024


I'm trying to install and test Bitbucket helm chart on a k8s cluster hosted on a VM on our DataCenter. 

I have followed all the steps from the installation page but i skipped the part where I need to provide a dedicated NFS storage as I understood  from the documentation that the chart will configure the shared-home  as ephemeral volume 'emptyDir{}'. 

After the helm install part the sts is created but it does not mount the emptyDir shared-home volume in spec.template.spec.volumes and  the installation fails (the event is bellow):

Does anyone encountered this problem before ? 


Below are is my values.yaml file for the volume configuration part: 
Screenshot at Aug 09 16-38-00.png


Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Warning FailedCreate 8m21s (x31 over 3h50m) statefulset-controller create Pod bitbucket-geroge-0 in StatefulSet bitbucket-geroge failed error: Pod "bitbucket-geroge-0" is invalid: spec.initContainers[0].volumeMounts[0].name: Not found: "shared-home"


I patched manually the sts and added the "Not found shared-volume"  just to check if the pod is running:

  - name: shared-home

    emptyDir: {}


No success because now i get : 

Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : /var/atlassian/application-data/shared-home/jmx_prometheus_javaagent.jar


In the end i turned off from values.yaml: monitoring.exposeJmxMetrics and the pod is running but i now i don't have the JMX metrics  :(  


I appreciate any feedback :) Thank you!



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