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Is there an easy way to access the BitBucket Rest API from Pipelines

Ashvin Narayanan February 24, 2019

Tried searching for this but couldn't find any resources.

Is there a way to access the Rest API from a Pipelines script without the need for authentication to the API?

Because the way I see it, the build runners run within BitBucket and you've configured the scripts yourself for which you would've needed appropriate permissions anyway. So there's no need for further authentication (or is there?).

My specific use-case: I need to comment on a Pull Request being created with code-coverage results, for which I need to access the Rest API from the Pipelines script.

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Atlassian Team
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February 27, 2019

Hi @Ashvin Narayanan 

Authentication is still required to access the Bitbucket API within Pipelines. You can easily do this however by setting up an App password (see and adding that password as a secure environment variable (see in Pipelines for use within your build script.

Ashvin Narayanan February 27, 2019

Yup that's how I've got it setup at the moment. Just seems like redundant authentication.

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