Is there a way to change the 1000 records limit?

Barry Robertson
May 13, 2021

I have seen posts about cloud version limitations and people asking to query for more than 1000 at a time.  In my case, I am getting 25 at a time with the REST API calls for a bitbucket pull request's changes.  When it gets to 1000, it reports that last page is false and next page is null.  I really need access to the remaining records.  Is there a configuration somewhere for the server than will allow it beyond?  The web interface to it says it stopped at 1000 files as well.

Is there a way to get beyond the 1000 limit so that I can get at the data past that point?  (Again, I am not querying for this many at a time.)

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neeraj upadhyay
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Matthias Heinlein
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I have the save problem as Barry and the link did not help me. 

Usually when isLastPage=false, then nextPageStart holds an integer value which can be used for start-parameter in the next request (that is what the article of the link tells us). However, when the first 1000 entries are fetched, I receive isLastPage=false but nextPageStart=null.

Can anyone else help here?

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