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Integrating Jira with Bitbucket for specific users

Karthick Chandran
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September 3, 2019

We are in process of linking Bitbucket with Jira users from another domain. How will the access of Bitbucket code repo controlled after linking with JIra board.

Both Jira and Bitbucket  are in cloud

Domain A - users  has access to Bitbucket and limited access to Domain B Jira board

Domain B users has access to Jira board.


Is the following possible  ?

  • Is it possible to link Bitbucket and Jira from different domain ?
  • Restrict bitbucket info in Jira board only to doamin A users ?
  • Domain B users should not have access to Bitbucket repo or code
  • Only Jira status and links to be shared with bitbucket

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Ana Retamal
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 4, 2019

Hi Karthick, welcome to the Community.

That's not how the integration of Jira and Bitbucket works, user management is not part of the integration and users from Jira will not be created on Bitbucket or viceversa. You can learn more about what functionalities that the integration provides at Bitbucket integration

In response to your questions:

Is it possible to link Bitbucket and Jira from different domain ?

Yes, you can link any Bitbucket account to your Jira instance as far as you have the right permissions. The instructions are available at Connect Bitbucket Cloud to Jira Software Cloud

Restrict bitbucket info in Jira board only to doamin A users ?

- If they don't have access to the Bitbucket account that hosts the repository, they won't see it.

Domain B users should not have access to Bitbucket repo or code

- Same as above, if they don't have access to the Bitbucket account that hosts the repository, they won't see it.

Only Jira status and links to be shared with bitbucket

- Do you mean you want to restrict all of the other features, like smart commits for example? Some of them can be deactivated, and you can also control the connection and the linked repos, for more info please read Connect Bitbucket Cloud to Jira Software Cloud.

Please let us know if you need any further clarifications.

Best regards,


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