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Infinite repository Importing

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February 22, 2019


When importing repository from GitHub, I closed the browser by mistake and access again to the repo.

Now, like above screenshot, status bar has stopped at 3/4 point and doesn't move for hours. How can I fix this?

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Stephen Sifers
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 26, 2019

Hello Erik and welcome to the Community!

Thank you for providing details into what happened and where you’re at now, including the screenshot.

If the repository is still present within GitHub, then you should delete the “imported” repository within Bitbucket and start the import over again. It looks as though you’ve accessed the page via a reloaded or expired session and it’s not progressing any further.

If you’re still having issues import into a new repository, please let us know.

Stephen Sifers

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