Hi All,
We recently tried to implement a custom gitflow model.
- develop branch -> developers to release and test their changes
- test branch -> for sprint releases for releasing only fully completed stories
Follow below steps:
- Feature branch created from test (stable one)
- Changes done in feature branch - probably for one story
- Tested in developer's local system
- To move the changes to development environment for integrated developer testing
- developer pulls the latest from develop (develop has changes which are not fully ready)
- merge the changes from feature to develop
- Tested the changes in development environment
- To move the changes to 'test' branch
- developer pulls the latest from test
- merge the changes from feature to test
Problem - with 4.1, feature branch is now having changes from other developers, because it pulls the latest. So, when developer does #6, he merges his changes as well as other developer's changes, which may not be fully completed from development.
Our intention was to have only fully completed/tested changes in 'test' branch. Please share some ideas.