IP whitelisting - UI works but API fails

Vishal Paike May 12, 2022

Hi All,

I am facing very weird issue with respect to IP whitelisting.

I have whitelisted my ip bitbucket cloud settings(workspace -> access control). Now, my bitbucket UI works fine however when I try to fetch any data with bitbucket cloud apis like - https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/{workspace}/{repo}/pullrequests?state=DECLINED&pagelen=2 - API responds - {"type": "error", "error": {"message": "To access this repository, an admin must whitelist your IP."}}


Is this a known bug? Or am I missing something?

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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 17, 2022

Hi Vishal,

  • Are you running these API calls from the same machine where you access Bitbucket from browser?
  • Are you running the API calls from terminal with curl, or are you using an API client?

If you are using curl to run API calls from a terminal application, I would suggest running

curl ipinfo.io

and seeing what IP this command returns.

If you're using an API client, you can run a GET request to ipinfo.io and check what IP this call returns.

Is the IP you get the same one you whitelisted and do you see it listed in


(replace {your-workspace-id} with the id of your workspace)

Kind regards,

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