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I am trying to configure bitbucket with jenkins using git plugin via ssh

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February 19, 2024

I copied the private key from the Jenkins machine running on Docker and ensured it is in the Jenkins user. I then pasted the private key into global credentials as an SSH user with a private key. Additionally, I copied the public key to the repository settings in Bitbucket under 'Access Keys'. However, when I tried to check the connection while configuring the pipeline, it threw an error stating 'STDERR: fatal: repository doesn't exist or you don't have access rights'. I checked various forums, but most solutions contain errors, while my issue is displaying code 128 and above

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Patrik S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 20, 2024

Hello @ChakradharReddy and welcome to the Community!

The error output indicates an authentication issue between Jenkins and Bitbucket, so I suspect there's potentially some setting missing on Jenkins's side. I found the following article containing step-by-step instructions on how to configure the SSH connection on Jenkins that may be of help : 

If after following the steps in that article you are still not able to authenticate, I would suggest running the following command to test your connection to Bitbucket Cloud using the same SSH key you configured in Jenkins : 

ssh -Tvvv -i <path to the private key file - the same key you used on Jenkins>

This will provide further details on the SSH authentication and if the key is being recognized by bitbucket.

Thank you, @ChakradharReddy !

Patrik S

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