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How to undo a commit made directly on bitbucket (browser)?

Jose Balaguer
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May 27, 2019

In my repository I wanted to make a small change to a file. Went to Source opened the file, clicked edit, made the changes, then clicked commit, and now my master has moved.



In my development environment (AWS Cloud9 IDE) tried to push new commit to Bitbucket but it says that the commit I made on Bitbucket made the "master" to be "one commit ahead".

I tried to "git fetch && git checkout master" to add the commit to my IDE and update everything from there. Then I tried to "push" it but I ended with "unmerged paths"and "both modified: ..." . I have two different versions of files one on Bitbucket and the other on the IDE.

I think if I could undo the commit I made on Bitbucket I can follow from there but in the repository pages there are no buttons or options to undo or reverse things. It is possible to undo commits directly on Bitbucket? If not, how I do it? 


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