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How to run Bitbucket on port 80?

Baztheman June 12, 2019


Thank you for all previous replies, and I want to ask the question in a thread that is not confused with other issues.

I am trying to run BB on port 80 internally. I read about (and many articles) but it seems to be a description but not instruction.

The BB that I am setting up is for internal use. Is there a simple way that I just make BB run on port 80? I have tried adding port 80 to file and then reboot. Having the init.d script, I thought it should start up as root using atlbitbucket user (as instructed in BB installation doc). However, it does not seem to work. Any tips how to make it work?

Thank you.


3 answers

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Rising Star
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June 12, 2019

If you're running on linux, you'll need to be root to be running any service on a port under 100. I would not recommend running any atlassian product as root due to the plugin framework - you'd be asking for trouble. is pretty straight forward - just replace 443 with 80 and https references with http.


0 votes
Baztheman June 12, 2019

All, I didnt go the route of using reverse proxy. I am focusing on making the port 80 works. I found this article that shows me how to forward 80 to 7990. It works but make sure you have access to console in case you get locked out...

Now my BB is running on port 80 and everything seems to work fine. Any comments?



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Bastian Stehmann
Community Leader
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June 12, 2019

Hi @Baztheman ,

You are right , it should work when you just change the port in the properties file.

Are there any errors or other messages in the logs  that may indicate why it does not work.

Are you behind a reverse proxy or something like that?

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