How to require 1 minimal successful build for develop branch ONLY but no other branches

Paul Hendley
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August 23, 2023

i have been struggling with this all day and hope someone can shed some light.
We want to set our Repository to ONLY require 1 minimal successful build on our "develop" branch.  We do not want any other branches to require successful builds.

We have been trying to use "Required Builds" feature in various combinations with "Merge Checks-->Minimum Successful Builds == 1".  

As soon as we enable "Merge Checks-->Minimum Successful Builds" and set # builds required to 1, then EVERY branch requires a successful build.  Regardless of what we do with "Required Builds".

If we disable "Merge Checks-->Minimum Successful Builds", and try to utilize just "Required Builds" then we can not get our develop branch to require a successful build.

It looks like we need to finagle some combination of these 2 but I can't seem to find the right combination.

Can anyone share some insight on how we would require a minimal successful # of builds for JUST one branch only?

Thank you!


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Ulrich Kuhnhardt _IzymesCo_
Atlassian Partner
August 28, 2023

Hello Paul, welcome to the community!

Have a look at the Bitbucket datacenter documentation - required builds merge check.

You can define which target and source branches enforce a successful build. That should do the trick.

If you don't have DC or want more detailed merge-checks you may use our Izymes Workzone tool to craft custom merge conditions including required builds, reviewer approval quota and more as a boolean expression.

Hope that helps!

Best, Ulrich

// Izymes - Tools for efficient teams

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