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How to get suggested reviewers functionality in my custom bitbucket plugin?

Dallin Schiffman
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May 23, 2024

I am trying to create a plugin that gives us more suggestions on reviewers  the we can control. I am currently at the point where I am able to get the names of the people we want to suggest to show up on the page. But creating the functionality of when you click the name of the person, it adds the person as a reviewer has proven to be difficult. Especially since I have had a hard time reverse engineering how the official suggested reviewers plugin handles this functionality. Now to be clear this is not to replace the official suggested reviewers, but add an additional section. But I can't figure out how to get the same functionality based on the documentation, and inspect element sleuthing i have doen so far. Would love some extra help. Ideally if there existed a javascript/typescript function I could import that basically just did "addReviewer(user)" that I could add as an onclick. That would be fantastic. Does something along those lines exist? The links on the names do nothing currently. My added PoC section is the  recommended reviewers section that is below the suggested reviewers section.Screenshot from 2024-05-23 09-00-39.png

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