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How to get bitbucket ID and email IDs of all the users from Bitbucket cloud

Tiju Kumar
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May 27, 2019


My bitbucket repository has some 1000 users and we are unable to identify all the users. To do a cleanup, I need to get bitbucket ID and email ID of tall the users who are part of the plan.  Earlier bitbucket ID as shown along with user name in the plan details, but now only user names are visible.

Can anybody provide some way to retrieve this information from bitbcucket admin console.

I am currently on bitbucket annual plan.

Thanks in advance.



Tiju Kumar

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Daniil Penkin
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 2, 2019

Hello @Tiju Kumar,

Usernames and emails have been removed from API in order to improve user privacy in accordance with GDPR regulations. Atlassian ID is a consistent unique user identifier.

Hope this helps.


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