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How to fork a repository into a project

Kristine Sato May 24, 2019

I am able to create a personal fork a repository. However, I would like to fork a repository into a project.

The documentation states:

You can fork a repository into any other project in Bitbucket Server for which you have admin access

I have admin access to my target project, but I do not see any options for specifying a forking target. It automatically creates a personal fork.

How can I specify the target project when forking?

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Ana Retamal
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 26, 2019

Hi Kristine, welcome to the Community!

First of all, can you confirm that you're using Bitbucket Server?

Note that the destination has to be a repo within that project, does the project contain some repositories already? When you click Fork in the sidebar, what options do you see? Could you send us a screenshot? 

Let us know,


Kristine Sato May 28, 2019

Hi Ana,

We have multiple projects in our Bitbucket environment, most containing repositories. I am an administrator for our team. Is there a separate setting for administrator rights to a specific project? I also included a screenshot of the Project settings I see.

As you can see from the image of the forking options, there is no option to specify a target.

Thanks for your help!


Project settings.jpg

Bitbucket Fork.jpg

Kristine Sato May 29, 2019

So it turns out we have the Cloud version of Bitbucket... and I needed to select the Team as the owner when forking, rather than my account (default).


Resolved... thanks.

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