How to filter pull requests by ignoring specific users

Umut Tekin
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December 22, 2024

Hi, when I list the pull request for the project, i want to filter some of the users who created pull requests from the list. We have some automation users and they open lots of pull requests automatically.

One way is to filtering the users who you want to see only but we're around 30 people who opens pull requests for that project and I don't wanna add 29 people to that filter just to ignore one. Also there could be new users to open pull requests for that project. I might miss to add them to that filter.

Thank you.

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Aman Shrivastava
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 28, 2024

Hi @Umut Tekin 

Unfortunately, at the moment, Bitbucket DC does not offer a feature to list pull requests while excluding specific authors/reviewers. However, you can raise a feature request, the feature will be addressed according to the Implementation of the New Features Policy.


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