How to change the repository description?

February 10, 2019


I cannot find a way to change my repository's description that I created using Bitbucket. I have admin rights on the repository, I can see some details of the repository on the right side but I cannot find a link to change anything. 

Please help, thanks

2 answers

2 votes
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 10, 2019

Hi Bruno,

can you go the settings page for your repository?

There should be a 'cog' icon in the left bar.

If you go Settings -> Repository Details you should see an editable description field.


I hope that helps!

February 14, 2019

Hello Martyn,

Sorry for the late answer. 

When I'm on my repository's main page looking at its description on top and folders, and the file, you know? There are many options on the tool bar of the left hand side, one of them is like a vertical Ellipsis (...) . I click there and nothing happens. 

After awhile, I noticed that only when I try to Edit any file, so in Update mode, the 'cog' icon then appears when clicking on the 'Vertical Ellipsis'.  

Had to spend several minutes to to find that out. Should it be that way? 


0 votes
February 14, 2019

For those that might be having the same struggle, click on any file and then click on 'Edit', after that the link to the repository's  settings will be at the '3 dots in vertical' (...) on the tool bar on the left hand side



Apollo Grace
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July 8, 2021

Not happening for me - no gear or ellipsis ever appears in the left tool bar.

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