How to change an "outdated" comment to be not "outdated"?

James Pragit September 18, 2023

BitBucket automatically marks comments as "outdated" after a related line is changed in a subsequent commit even if the issue wasn't actually resolved. 

Is there a way to mark an "outdated" comment to be not "outdated"?

1 answer

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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 19, 2023

Hi James,

I'm afraid that there is no way to make an "outdated" comment not be "outdated".

We have a feature request for the ability to customize when comments are marked as outdated:

The feature request has been closed as it's not likely to be worked on in the near future. However, if you'd be interested in that, I would encourage you to add a comment to express your interest, as product managers continue to monitor even closed requests.

Kind regards,

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