How to build a .net app in self hosted runner?

Jonabel Sierra Florian
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August 1, 2023

Hi, I'm new using bitbucket pipelines, I setup my self hosted runner in my windows machine (not docker) and in my machine I already have .net installed, but in the pipeline when it execute the "dotnet build" or "dotnet restore" it fails and says the following:


It seems like it's not realizing the machine already has dotnet installed. 

I just want to build and publish my .net 6 projects.

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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 2, 2023

Hi Jonabel and welcome to the community!

Windows Runners use PowerShell to run pipeline steps on your Windows machine (host device). As long as a certain tool is installed and you can use it in PowerShell without a Bitbucket runner, it should be possible to use it with the Runners as well.

Have you installed the .NET SDK on this Windows machine?

Is the path of the .NET SDK installation added in the PATH environment variable of Windows?

If you clone your repo on this Windows machine (for testing purposes) and then in a PowerShell window navigate to the clone directory and run dotnet restore, does the command run successfully or do you get the same error?

Kind regards,

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