How much Git LFS storage do I need?

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February 9, 2018

I am working on a game with a partner. We've been having problems using just normal git and have looked into using git lfs to take care of some of the issues with bigger files. My problem is, when I look at the options, it says we have 1GB on the free version, 5GB's on the next stage, and 10GB's on the biggest. Storage is not my strong suit and I am trying to figure out how to tell how much I will need. I am confused because depending on the game engine, a small, new project, could be well over 10GB's, even when compressed. That being said, I'm wondering if I'm looking at this the wrong way. When storing in LFS, is it stored differently so that it takes much less space? How exactly does this work that 5-10GB is a decent amount of storage? 

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Mikael Sandberg
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February 9, 2018

I am not a Git LFS expert, but every commit that contains a file that is handled by Git LFS will create a new file in the remote Git LFS store, so calculating the storage size depends on how often you change those files that are stored with Git LFS.  I find this tutorial better then the official Git LFS documents to give you an overview on how it works.

Are you using Bitbucket Cloud or Server?

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