How does Bitbucket (4.13) apply multiple "default reviewer" conditions

Deleted user February 16, 2018

Using the  REST API to create default-reviewers, I discovered that each execution of the POST request adds a new condition to the set.  So if I call the api twice to add two different users to the repository, I end up with two separate conditions.

Both conditions are configured the same way:

source branch: any
target branch: master
reviewer: some_user

I suspect that the program should have located the existing condition, and used PUT to add the second user, but that is a different question.  What I would like to know here is how multiple conditions will be handled.  Does Bitbucket apply all conditions that match the criteria?  For example, if there are multiple conditions with target branch master, will these all apply if they also match the source branch?  

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Deleted user February 16, 2018

BTW, this behavior occurs in the UI as well.  If you use the add button, a new condition is created.  If you wish to add users to an existing condition, you have to use the edit icon associated with the existing condition.

Deleted user February 16, 2018

I noticed that if I have two conditions that match source branch pattern "US*", the reviewers from both conditions were added to a PR.  

However, two conditions that match source branch ANY, only the reviewers from the first matching condition were added to the PR.

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