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How do i know if the PostgreSQL working 100% with the new installation?

Baztheman June 11, 2019

Hi, I am not a PostgreSQL expert and just installed it as well as a new Bitbucket server. I have followed the instruction in and created both bitbucketuser and bitbucket database. 


I can log into PostgreSQL and see the database. However I am not about to connect PostgreSQL via internet browser. I dont know how to? Or it is not the right way to do it? Or something is not connect right?


I see the followings from my BB administration page:


Database TypePostgreSQLJDBC URLjdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/bitbucketDatabase usernamebitbucketuserDatabase password********


How can I tell if BB is running correctly with PostgreSQL? 


Thank you.



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Mikael Sandberg
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June 11, 2019

Hi Barry,

If you can access and log on to Bitbucket then everything is setup correctly.

Baztheman June 11, 2019

I am still in evaluation license. How do i know if it is still using the DB included rather than psql? How do i know which database it is connecting? Thanks. B.

Mikael Sandberg
Community Leader
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June 11, 2019

The evaluation license is a full license, so it allows you to use an external database instead of the built in one. The information on the admin screen in Bitbucket shows you what database type you are using, and in your case it connects to PostgreSQL. As an example this is what I see on my test environment:

Database Type  Microsoft SQL Server

Baztheman June 11, 2019

Thanks for the quick reply. Is there anyway to test say... Create a repo, then add/commit a file, then see the changes in a specific database, and table to verify such changes so i know 100% which database, tables that BB is using? Thank you. Barry

Mikael Sandberg
Community Leader
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June 11, 2019

There are multiple ways of testing it; the easiest one is to create a user and make sure you can log on with it. Users are stored in the cwd_user table. You can also create a project, populate it with a repository and check the project and repository tables.

Baztheman June 11, 2019

If I create a new repository and add/commit files to it. Which database and tables will be changed? What should I be looking for? Thanks. B.

Mikael Sandberg
Community Leader
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June 11, 2019

The repository table holds information about what project it was created under, the name and some of the settings for it. As long as you can see your newly created repository in here you know that BB is using that database.

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