How do i generate quotation for bitbucket cloud

Leena Swar May 16, 2022

Hi Team,

We want to purchase bitbucket cloud premium version for 15 people for 6months . We need a quotation for this. please help us to get order quotation for this.

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Atlassian Team
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May 17, 2022

Hey Leena!

We have a pricing calculator tool available at the following link, this can be customized to reflect the plan you wish to use as well as the number of users:

Bitbucket Cloud subscriptions are usually billed monthly, and you can change your plan at any time back to "Free" within Workspace Settings for that particular workspace to effectively cancel the membership being charged for further months.

If you would like to discuss this further with someone from our billing/licensing team, please raise a ticket here:


- Ben (Bitbucket Cloud Support)

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