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How do I use build setup step for parallel spec?

Bibek Khadka
I'm New Here
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July 2, 2019

I have setup a bitbucket-pipeline with one build setup step and two parallel setup. However, while getting through parallel setup it cannot find packages installed from build setup step and fails. How can I make the parallel setup use packages from build setup? Or should I do this separately for parallel setup? 

image: ruby:2.6.3-alpine3.8

- step:
name: Build setup
- bundler
- apk add --no-cache git
- apk add build-base
- apk add postgresql-client
- apk add postgresql-dev
- apk add tzdata
- apk add nodejs
- apk add nodejs-npm
- apk add yarn
- npm install
- yarn install
- gem install bundler -v 1.17.3
- gem install nokogiri -v 1.10.3
- gem install pg -v 1.1.4
- bundle install
- export RAILS_ENV=test
- bundle exec rake db:drop RAILS_ENV=test
- bundle exec rake db:create RAILS_ENV=test
- bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
- bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
- postgres
- parallel:
- step:
name: Yarn tests
- yarn test
- step:
name: Rspecs
- bundle exec rspec

bundler: ./vendor
image: postgres:9.5.17
POSTGRES_DB: test_db

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Daniel Santos
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 4, 2019

Hi @Bibek Khadka

Each step of your pipeline will use a fresh docker image to run the commands you have there. The correct way to share information between steps running in a sequence is by using artifacts:

In case you want to have some packages already installed before your build, you will need to create a docker image with them already installed and use that image in your step.

I hope that clarifies this scenario.

Bibek Khadka
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
July 8, 2019

Thanks @Daniel Santos , I just went with using docker-compose instead.

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Daniel Santos
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 9, 2019

Awesome man! What matters the most is you achieving your goal!
Thanks for sharing it!

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