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How do I override default variables with variables from a given deployment.

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June 20, 2019

We have the default Envs with their respective values picked from the pipelines repo e.g





How can I override the above variables?

I'm basically setting up Bitbucket-pipeline but I want it to pull and build code from another repo. Using "git clone ..." is not an option in my use case.

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Atlassian Team
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June 25, 2019

Hey @daumie

Thanks for reaching out.

Can you give me a little bit more context on what you're trying to do?

Do you want to have access to another repository's code instead of the code that's in the repository that is running the pipeline or on top of the code in the repository that is running the pipeline? 

Can you also elaborate on what you mean by "using git clone is not an option"? Why is it not an option? 

If you're wanting to pull in code from another repository, you can do so by installing git in the build container and then using git clone to clone the repository. For more information on how to set this up inside Pipelines, check our Phil's explanation.


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