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How do I fix "trunk@45967' is out of date, it has been modified externally?

Tom Kronmiller January 8, 2019

We have git/svn mapping installed.  When trying to push a local version of master to the central server the push was rejected,


% git push
Enumerating objects: 87, done.


Total 17 (delta 14), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: error: 'trunk@45967' is out of date: it has been modified externally at r45973; retry the operation once again
remote: Fetching revisions from SVN repository:
remote: up to date
remote: Sending commits to SVN repository:
To http://githost:7990/scm/dp/d2s_sw.git
! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to 'http://twk@githost:7990/scm/dp/d2s_sw.git'


What does this error indicate, and how can we fix it?



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Tom Kronmiller January 8, 2019

Makign and comitting a change in the svn trunk via svn seems to have fixed it, but I would still be curious to know what the error indicates happened so that we can avoid it in the future.



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