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How can I login to my account using my username

Sylvester Molina June 19, 2019

I have an account on bitbucket. I used to log in with my username but now I am being asked for my email address when tried to log in today.

My username is: sylverios

I am sure I am using the same email but it seems it is not detecting my account related to that username

Please help me recover my account as I don't want to lose this username.

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Tyler T
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 20, 2019

Hi, it looks like you may have found the correct email address. Are you still having an issue?

Sylvester Molina June 21, 2019

Hi @Tyler T 

Thank you for understanding. It seems to be working now when I used my other email address.

I forgot that I added a different email address to my account. I got confused because I got signed out immediately when I went to my bitbucket repo page and forgetting what email I used in the process.

All good now.

Thank you.

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