I'm currently working on a project that utilizes the NX framework (nx affected) to execute e2e tests within Bitbucket pipelines. However, I'm encountering difficulties in running the backend APIs that my tests require to function properly.
I've attempted to execute these APIs in parallel steps; however, this approach has proven unsuccessful due to inconsistencies in the test initiation timing. This timing disparity leads to unexpected test failures and hinders the overall efficiency of the testing process.
To provide further context, I've structured my e2e tests using cypress and have ensured that the tests are independent of each other, eliminating any dependency-related issues. Additionally, the backend APIs are structured as RESTful APIs, primarily employing GET and POST methods.
I've reviewed the NX and Bitbucket documentation pertaining to e2e testing and pipeline configuration. Yet, I haven't been able to identify a definitive solution. I kindly request assistance from the Bitbucket community in addressing this matter. Any insights, suggestions, or potential workarounds would be greatly appreciated.