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Hi, I am trying to push tag from python script using bitbucket set_tag api and unable to sign tags

Shanthi Sivagnanam
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December 5, 2023

I have gpg keys setup and have tag.gpgsign=true in global git config.

I am able to push tags from terminal.

But when I try to push from python script using set_tag api, it errors out that the tag is not signed.

Can you please help me with this ?  Thanks

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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 6, 2023

Hi Shanthi and welcome to the community!

Does your question concern Bitbucket Cloud (repo url starting with or Bitbucket Server / Data Center?

I see that your question has the tag 'bitbucket-cloud', but I don't see a Bitbucket Cloud account with your community account's email.

If your question indeed concerns Bitbucket Cloud, signed commits are not supported at the moment, we have a feature request about this in our issue tracker:

You also mention set_tag api, are you using the following python library?

If so, please keep in mind that this library is not developed or maintained by Atlassian. If you face issues when using this library, it may be best to create a question in the library's issue tracker here:

You could also use the following API endpoint to create a tag (in Bitbucket Cloud):

Kind regards,

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