Git push auth failure

c ryan
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April 23, 2023

I can't push to my own repo.

$ git push
remote: Login failed due to incorrect login credentials or method.
remote: If you are unsure of which login details or login method to use, visit:
fatal: Authentication failed for ...

I have followed the steps to setup keys locally and in BB. ssh-add'd priv key and set in .ssh/config. The setup up the pub key in BB cloud.

From my git bash shell

$ ssh -T
authenticated via ssh key.

You can use git to connect to Bitbucket. Shell access is disabled

This is the last step in the docs, where do I go from here to debug the auth issue? I can't push via cli or sourcetree. 



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c ryan
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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April 23, 2023

Resolved, perhaps this is useful for others...

in .git/config the old origin entry was still there from a year ago, with username and password

[remote "origin"]
url =

Once I changed the URL to remove these it works fine. 

url =

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