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Git push Origin is not working

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May 27, 2019

While trying to push changes to a feature branch there is always an error 

Screenshot at 12-49-21.png

used git config --global http.postBuffer 524288000 and that didn't solve the problem either. 

Can someone help me?

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Jimmy Seddon
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May 27, 2019

Hi @dkshitiz,

Welcome to the Community!

There are a few things you can do to try and help resolve this type of issue.

One would be to try raising the http.postBuffer a little bit further:

git config --global http.postBuffer 1048576000

Another option if it is possible for you would be to switch away from using https and use an ssh connection to git instead.

Instructions for that can be found here:

I have also seen others suggest using OpenSSL instead of GnuTLS.

I hope one of those options helps you resolve your issue!


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