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Git commands on pipelines

Akrem Abayed
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December 29, 2017

I m trying to run some git commands on the pipeline, I tried two solutions none of them worked;


- generated an ssh key from the repository settings

- copied the public key into the authorized_keys file via this command. (this command is in the .yml file )

- cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys


- git config $MY_GIT_USERNAME
- git config $MY_GIT_EMAIL

 Note: the repository is a bitbucket repos and is where the pipeline is running. So no external repos.

Also followed the steps here but it's not helping

Am I missing something ?

1 answer

1 vote
slmt January 27, 2018

When you configure an SSH key in your repository's Settings > Pipelines > SSH keys, you are presented with two options:

  • Generate keys
    This automatically generates a public and private SSH key pair. The private key can be used with SSH to access the Git repository on a read-only basis. This isn't very useful if you want to push to Git from a pipeline.
  • Use my own keys
    This allows you to provide SSH keys that have been granted access to your Git repo. It is possible to generate SSH keys that grant write access to the Git repo. See below for details

Obviously you want the Use my own keys option which grants read and write access. You can use team-level SSH keys so that CI scripts aren't tied to a specific user (although you'll get warnings about it).

Here's the process:

  • generate an SSH key pair on your local machine,
  • add the public key to the SSH keys in your Bitbucket team (Your team > Settings > Security > SSH keys),
  • add the same public key and the corresponding private key to Pipelines via Settings > Pipelines > SSH keys.

Here's hoping Bitbucket Pipelines will provide much easier git write access and hopefully before Bitbucket removes team-level SSH.

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