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Git LFS using Nexus as the LFS repository

Stephen IAnson
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January 4, 2024


I've been trying to setup git-lfs with bitbucket but using Nexus as the backend repo for the binary / LFS files.

Have followed the tutorial, configured it within bitbucket to enable LFS, then changed the endpoint (in .lfsconfig) to use Nexus. Everything works fine, I can see the assets in Nexus and we can clone / pull and push from clients (with git-lfs installed) with no issues.

However, when browsing bitbucket repo through the web browser, any of the designated lfs files show "File not found, there may be problems with your large file storage".

It's not the end of the world but it would be nice to fix it so users can pull individual files straight from the browser. Is what we're doing supported / possible?




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