Getting error like "Unable to find image 'bitbucketpipelines/aws-s3-deploy:1.1.0' locally"

Santhosh Kumar R
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December 22, 2021

How can to know the version of the pipe aws-s3-deploy ?

Getting error like "Unable to find image 'bitbucketpipelines/aws-s3-deploy:1.1.0' locally"



Deployment has stopped.


Can you anyone help me with this issue. Thanks.

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Igor Stoyanov
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 31, 2021

@Santhosh Kumar R hi. Thanks for your question.
You don't have this image on your local machine, so image started to downloading from docker hub.
It is not the reason why your pipe fail. Please provide your bitbucket-pipeline.yml config and response or screenshot that contains an error.


Regards, Igor.

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