GIT commits displays proper author name but the same is not reflecting on BITBUCKET

Amol Patel March 13, 2018


Commits via GIT towards unix/suse shows proper AUTHOR (via "git log") and DATE however when i see the difference towards BITBUCKET the author and Dates are not visible.

In Unix i have configured correctly i.e. 

git config --global "Amol Patel"

git config --global

However still in Bitbucket/stash the author name, dates etc fields comes as blank.


Also "git config -l" displays above information.


Any inputs towards this will be helpful.




5 answers

1 vote
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 14, 2018

Thanks for getting back to me Amol. Stash is an older version of Bitbucket, this does not mean you are running an older version. Your team might just be still calling it Stash.


Anyhow if you go into the Repo > Commits 

<Stash/BitbucketURL>/projects/<Project Key>/repos/<Repo name>/commits

Example: https://bitbucketdc/projects/PROJ/repos/website/commits

Screen Shot 2018-03-14 at 10.15.47.png


Is this what you're looking for?

Amol Patel March 21, 2018

any update on this i.e. why DIFF tab for individual files (on pull request) doesn't shows author who checked in?

0 votes
Amol Patel March 14, 2018

This is at file level, DIFF tab of respective pull request.

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 21, 2018

Yes, you are correct. This information is not native to the overview page of a Pull Request. You have to drill down into the PR for that information.

0 votes
Amol Patel March 14, 2018

No. After raising pull request the DIFF tab won't show author/ date changes for respective files.

0 votes
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 13, 2018

I completely understand in regards to the screenshot. We should be able to tell if its Server or Cloud by the URL you are using to access Bitbucket with. 


If you are using something like then it is cloud. If not then you have server which means you are hosting Bitbucket locally within your business. 

Amol Patel March 13, 2018

It is a bitbucket server not cloud. We use something called as stash for our repository purpose.

Amol Patel March 13, 2018

Anything can you please suggest to get author, date etc reflected towards bitbucket? As the author/date is reflecting after commit (on unix). (Git log seems to be fine)

0 votes
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 13, 2018

Hello, Is this Bitbucket Server or Bitbucket Could? Can you attach a screenshot?


Amol Patel March 13, 2018

how to find if its server/cloud?

Amol Patel March 13, 2018

since its banking project i don't think i can share the snapshot.

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