Flexibility provided by Stash Pull request ?

Mohan Krishnan
March 27, 2013

Does Stash pull request support :

- re-review/updating review/pull request with new files

- emphasize a comment as a significant issue.



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Atlassian Team
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March 27, 2013

Hi Mohan,

If you read our documentation, found at https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/STASH/Using+pull+requests+in+Stash you will read:

Participants can commit new changes to the branch. Stash auto-updates the Commits tab of the pull request, so you can see exactly which commits will be merged. Stash is smart about comments, moving them along when lines are added or removed. If a line with a comment gets removed, you can still view the comment in the activity, but Stash marks the diff as outdated to let you know that this piece of code has been changed in recent commits.

I would encourage you to continue reading through the Stash documentation, or better yet, play around in the product (you can trial it for free!).

As for comment emphasis, there is no way to do this in Stash (but the commenter can use Markdown to emphasise parts of the comment).

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