Fixing Stash Commit Issue Links with Jira

Deleted user May 14, 2014

Not sure why but we have intermittent failures of the post-commit hook that creates the bi-directional link between the Stash commit and the Jira issue. The commit msg clearly states the correct issue key but the link is not established. What is the quickest, preferabably end-user-executable, way to retro-actively establish the link?

Less preferable but also helpful would be an admin-level, Git-savvy approach.

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Michael Heemskerk
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 15, 2014

There may be several reasons why the link doesn't show up. To figure out what's going on, could you tell me:

  • Are you seeing links to the JIRA issue on the commit page in Stash (e.g. projects/<project-key>/repos/<repo-name>/commits/<commit-hash>)?
  • Are you seeing links to the Stash commit from the JIRA issue?

If the links are missing on both sides, it's likely that there's an issue with the indexing of commits on the Stash side. If you are seeing the links in Stash but not in JIRA, it could be a permissions issue where the JIRA user doesn't have read access. Alternatively, if the commit only exists in a forked repository, it won't show up on the JIRA issue. See We plan to improve the indexing of forks in a future release, but currently forks are only partially indexed for performance reasons.



Deleted user May 15, 2014

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the quick reply. What we're seeing in intermittent. Screen shot show same user, two different commits, both with same issue key, immediately after each other. One gets the link, then next does not.

Michael Heemskerk
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 15, 2014

That sounds like an issue with either the changeset indexing or the git hook on the Stash server. Can you open a Stash support request on https://support.atlassian.comand reference this answers thread? Please upload a support zip (Administration > Support tools) so we can have a look at your logs to find the cause.

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