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Fisheye performance git and svn

Erik Meade
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July 11, 2012

Assuming .5M LOC and copious branches what sort of performance differences could you expect, in full or part, between svn and git?

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Norman Abramovitz
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July 13, 2012

Given that Fisheye uses Git and SVN api's, it would be the same difference as SVN vs GIT.

Fisheye's overhead is not really relevant to the overall performance since is it just looking at log information.

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Sergey Svishchev
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January 22, 2013

Indexing of Subversion branches and tags can be slow, sometimes extremely so if repository is accessed over network. This is a known problem -- look up these tickets in FE-260 FE-314 FE-1154 FE-1371 FE-1972 FE-3949 FE-4402

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