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Fetching dll and exe issue

Alain Goodarzi February 10, 2019


I know .dll and .exe files not supposed to be in repo. But we have to, because we don't have their codes and they need to be there for production.

I can push them successfully from one machine to the repo but in some of our machines they get ignored when we pull or fetch.

I verified the .gitignore locally and gitignore_global, but I didn't find any.

Any idea to fix the issue?


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Stephen Sifers
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 12, 2019

Hello Alain,

Thank you for providing the details of what you’ve checked already. I do have a question though, are you using GIT command line or are you using Sourcetree?

If you’re using Sourcetree, there was a reported issue similar to what you’re experiencing. The issue reports the following to resolve it:

Sourcetree adds a global ignore file when installed. All pushing through GIT, will now look at this file before uploading the data. Running git check-ignore should tell you where the file is, and allow you to edit it, and remove any lines that are filtering out dll files. By default, Sourcetree ignored dll files - to allow them - Tools=>Options=>Git then "Edit File"... add a "#" before .dll => "#.dll" ... save and close. See for more info.

Source issue: Required DLLs aren't uploaded on Bitbucket Repository.

If you’re still having this issue after applying the above changes, please let us know.

Stephen Sifers

Alain Goodarzi February 19, 2019


Thank you for your reply,

I am using command line.

Is there anything I can do for this issue?


Stephen Sifers
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 19, 2019

Hello again Alian,

Thank you for letting us know you're using the command line.

Did you recently install SourceTree on your machine(s)?

If so, there may be another gitignore_global.txt file located within your documents that are taking precedence.

I was able to locate a StackOverflow thread related to the same type of issue you're having. You may find that thread at git repository ignoring all .dlls.

Something else we may test as well would be to download the source (entire repository) and see if the DLL and EXE files are within there. Here is a screenshot on how to download your repository:


We look forward to your response so we may help to resolve this issue.

Stephen Sifers

Alain Goodarzi February 19, 2019


I never used or installed any tool for Git on my machine.


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