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Error running Bitbucket Backup Script

Nirav Patel April 22, 2020

Hey I'm following Bitbucket DIY Backup info, and I'm currently using "" example from Bitbucket Backup Git.

My Bitbucket Server is running in an AWS instance in a Docker Container and I'm postgresql which is running AWS RDS.

I copied code from and updated field values with my values and copied it to Then I ran the file by ./ and it's throwing following error.

[ -> wait_for_bg_jobs][xyz] ERROR: Database backup failed with status 1 (PID=7933)

Can Someone help me resolve the issue?

Thank you,


1 answer

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Nirav Patel April 23, 2020

Also this failure doesn't unlock the bitbucket. When I put the token in to unlock the bitbucket it took forever to unlock and after sometimes I refreshed the page it was just a blank page. I had to restart the bitbucket server to make bitbucket work again.

Fernando Guarino
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June 26, 2023

Have you been able to fix this problem? I'm having the same error. Many thanks

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