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Error: Making this repository private requires more users than kaesystems has on their plan

Özgecan Sarı March 28, 2023

I've made a private repository publicly available. And now, I want to make it private again but I get an error saying: "Making this repository private requires more users than ******* has on their plan". I don't why I'm getting this error. Can you help me with this issue?
Thanks and regards,
Özgecan Sarı.

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Atlassian Team
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April 2, 2023

Hey Özgecan,

I have censored the name of your workspace as this is a public forum.

The number of users attributed to your workspace is defined as any users who have access to private repositories. 

By making a public repository private, any users who had access to this repository when it was public now count as billable users when it is private.

I have checked and can see that your payment method was declined multiple times in March (9th, 11th, 13th) and therefore you were downgraded from a Standard plan to a Free plan (which has a cap of 5 users), hence why you are facing this issue.

Please refer to the article I have authored below for assistance with resolving this issue:


- Ben (Bitbucket Cloud Support)

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