Does Test Reporting Support MSTest?

Alvaro Del Valle
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February 20, 2018

I am using Pipelines to build a .Net Core 2 application. My project is designed to have all MSTest unit tests in a different My.Project.Tests.csproj. In my bitbucket-pipelines.yml file I run all unit tests across all projects using the following command:

ls *Tests*/*.csproj | xargs -L1 dotnet test "--logger:trx;LogFileName=test-results/results.xml"

While I can see the log results for the associated step, I am getting contradictory messages in the Build Teardown step:

Screen Shot 2018-02-20 at 12.42.14 PM.png

Does Pipelines not support MSTest results? What am I expected to see here??


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Philip Hodder
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 3, 2019

Bitbucket Pipelines parses xUnit / JUnit test formatted test results. First check that your tests are outputting the results in this format. Unfortunately, the format is not very strict. So we have to modifying our parser for specific build tools.

If this issue is still occurring, can you open a feature request with an example of the test output xml? 

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