Does BitBucket work well with large repositories?

chphilli September 25, 2013

My team is considerign leaving our existing source control host for BitBucket, but we are a little concerned about how well BitBucket will work with our repository.

Our repository has 17.1k changesets and according to BitBucket's overview page the repository is 408.3 MB.

My concern is that the web UI appears to be taking much longer to show any pages for this large repository (5s+ to show the overview page and 6s+ to show the commit history) than it usually does for the small repositories I've used with it in the past (usually pages are nearly instant with these smaller repos). Is this normal behavior for large repositories, or can I expect this to get better as Bitbucket improves indexes on my repository, etc?

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 27, 2013

We don't impose a repo quota now. But generally speaking, once a repo get's near 1GB, HTTP performance usually takes the hit so you might want to explore using SSH either now or down the road.

That is assuming its not possible to reduce its size any? Ideally, you should keep your repo size to 100MB or less.

More on that here:

Hope this helps!

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