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DockerHub integration

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October 18, 2022

Hi there


I'm trying to setup my docker hub build automation.

The build can't get access to private repo to download dependencies, and to solve it, docker hub states to use their own public rasa key:

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC65L3Lx3HtoqxYJdfkBnF1wrMC55gCOLRiUGslxGZtAVdADb0sz9s2rjEkKi6EzrnQEX6SNoDz3XGunF01LBiEyhkGOmuarLR3+lHzqysi7n4SQUXrVDljO1HQKLrK4cV/Dd4cN9WLo2vqOoGCjBy7bmn/qlnDDmdWfvDue2at/PRipYqPUF0OKuth63zgjBjcycFVsmTn9gDJkhUd9y5Q/NWB/z5gYnKv0GHW2f+XxyfMNE/RzIyIuwus5xSJq6tieyzvM/Zl27HCbzEVd6Q7b2207QZvH9hDtJ2XJuMfqFtlfaG9Y7mp6DXEDIkSfd3ZFCGW6IvoQv0YGGuE+QGr

When I try to use this key in my bitbucket account, i'm getting this message:

Someone has already added that key as an access key to a repository.


Can you help me ?


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Patrik S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 20, 2022

Hello @sparkgo ,

Thank you for reaching out to Atlassian Community.

Could you please give us more details about what exactly integration you are trying to do with Dockerhub? 

Are you trying to download a private docker image from within your Bitbucket Pipelines build? 

If yes, then you would have to first execute the docker login command as part of your build, providing your docker account credentials, as in the below example : 

docker login --username $DOCKER_USERNAME --password $DOCKER_PASSWORD

In this example, it's assumed that you have created two environmental variables in your bitbucket pipelines containing your docker account username and password.

After the docker login command is executed, you should be able to docker pull any private image part of that docker account into your bitbucket build.

Thank you, @sparkgo .

Kind regards,

Patrik S 

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